8051 Timer Hacks

In the world of microcontroller-based designs, the 8051 family continues to be a popular choice for many engineers and hobbyists. One of the most powerful features of the 8051 is its versatile timer system. In this article, we’ll explore five ingenious timer hacks that will take your 8051 designs to the next level. These techniques will not only improve the efficiency of your projects but also open up new possibilities for creative solutions.

1. Precision Frequency Measurement with Timer Capture

When it comes to measuring frequencies with high precision, the 8051’s timer capture mode is a game-changer. By utilizing the timer in capture mode, we can accurately measure the period of an incoming signal and calculate its frequency with remarkable accuracy.

Here’s a C code example demonstrating how to set up Timer 1 in capture mode for frequency measurement:

#include <reg51.h>

unsigned long measure_frequency(void) {
    unsigned int t1, t2;
    unsigned long freq;

    TMOD = 0x10;  // Timer 1, Mode 1 (16-bit timer)
    TR1 = 1;      // Start Timer 1

    while (!TF1); // Wait for timer overflow
    TF1 = 0;      // Clear overflow flag

    while (!TF1); // Wait for next overflow
    t1 = TH1;
    t1 = (t1 << 8) | TL1;
    TF1 = 0;

    while (!TF1); // Wait for another overflow
    t2 = TH1;
    t2 = (t2 << 8) | TL1;

    freq = 1000000UL / (t2 - t1);  // Calculate frequency in Hz
    return freq;

This code sets up Timer 1 in 16-bit mode and uses it to measure the time between two consecutive overflows of the timer. By calculating the difference between these timestamps, we can determine the period of the input signal and convert it to frequency.

2. High-Resolution PWM Generation

Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) is a crucial technique in many applications, from motor control to LED dimming. While the 8051 doesn’t have dedicated PWM hardware, we can use its timers to generate high-resolution PWM signals.

Here’s a C code example that demonstrates how to generate a PWM signal using Timer 0:

#include <reg51.h>

#define PWM_PIN P1_0

void init_pwm(void) {
    TMOD |= 0x02;  // Timer 0, Mode 2 (8-bit auto-reload)
    TH0 = 0;       // Set auto-reload value
    TR0 = 1;       // Start Timer 0
    ET0 = 1;       // Enable Timer 0 interrupt
    EA = 1;        // Enable global interrupts

void set_pwm_duty(unsigned char duty) {
    TL0 = 255 - duty;  // Set PWM duty cycle

void timer0_isr(void) __interrupt(1) {
    PWM_PIN = !PWM_PIN;  // Toggle PWM output

void main(void) {
    set_pwm_duty(128);  // 50% duty cycle

    while(1) {
        // Main program loop

This code configures Timer 0 in 8-bit auto-reload mode and uses it to generate a PWM signal on pin P1.0. The duty cycle can be easily adjusted by calling the set_pwm_duty() function with a value between 0 and 255.

3. Precise Delay Generation Using Timer Interrupts

While busy-wait delays are often used in microcontroller programming, they can be inefficient and prevent the CPU from performing other tasks. By leveraging timer interrupts, we can create precise delays without tying up the CPU.

Here’s a C code example that demonstrates how to generate precise delays using Timer 2:

#include <reg51.h>

volatile unsigned int delay_count = 0;

void init_timer2(void) {
    T2CON = 0x00;   // Timer 2 in 16-bit auto-reload mode
    TH2 = 0xFF;     // Set high byte of auto-reload value
    TL2 = 0xF7;     // Set low byte of auto-reload value (1ms @ 12MHz)
    ET2 = 1;        // Enable Timer 2 interrupt
    EA = 1;         // Enable global interrupts
    TR2 = 1;        // Start Timer 2

void delay_ms(unsigned int ms) {
    delay_count = ms;
    while(delay_count > 0);

void timer2_isr(void) __interrupt(5) {
    TF2 = 0;  // Clear Timer 2 interrupt flag
    if(delay_count > 0) {

void main(void) {

    while(1) {
        P1 = 0xFF;   // Turn on LEDs
        P1 = 0x00;   // Turn off LEDs

This code sets up Timer 2 to generate an interrupt every 1ms. The delay_ms() function uses this timer to create precise delays without busy-waiting, allowing the CPU to perform other tasks during the delay period.

4. Event Counting and Frequency Dividing

The 8051’s timers can be used as counters, allowing us to count external events or divide frequencies. This is particularly useful in applications such as tachometers or frequency synthesizers.

Here’s a C code example that demonstrates how to use Timer 0 as an event counter:

#include <reg51.h>

volatile unsigned long event_count = 0;

void init_counter(void) {
    TMOD |= 0x05;  // Timer 0, Mode 1 (16-bit), external event counting
    TH0 = 0;
    TL0 = 0;
    ET0 = 1;       // Enable Timer 0 interrupt
    EA = 1;        // Enable global interrupts
    TR0 = 1;       // Start Timer 0

void timer0_isr(void) __interrupt(1) {
    TH0 = 0;
    TL0 = 0;

void main(void) {

    while(1) {
        // Main program loop
        if(event_count >= 1000) {
            P1_0 = !P1_0;  // Toggle LED every 1000 events
            event_count = 0;

This code configures Timer 0 to count external events on the T0 pin. Each time the timer overflows, the interrupt increments a counter. This technique can be used to measure frequencies, count revolutions, or implement frequency dividers.

5. Timer-Based Task Scheduling

One of the most powerful applications of timers in microcontroller designs is task scheduling. By using a timer to generate regular interrupts, we can create a simple real-time operating system that executes different tasks at specific intervals.

Here’s a C code example that demonstrates a basic task scheduler using Timer 2:

#include <reg51.h>

#define MAX_TASKS 5

typedef struct {
    void (*task)(void);
    unsigned int period;
    unsigned int counter;
} Task;

Task task_list[MAX_TASKS];
unsigned char task_count = 0;

void init_scheduler(void) {
    T2CON = 0x00;   // Timer 2 in 16-bit auto-reload mode
    TH2 = 0xFF;     // Set high byte of auto-reload value
    TL2 = 0xF7;     // Set low byte of auto-reload value (1ms @ 12MHz)
    ET2 = 1;        // Enable Timer 2 interrupt
    EA = 1;         // Enable global interrupts
    TR2 = 1;        // Start Timer 2

void add_task(void (*task)(void), unsigned int period) {
    if(task_count < MAX_TASKS) {
        task_list[task_count].task = task;
        task_list[task_count].period = period;
        task_list[task_count].counter = 0;

void timer2_isr(void) __interrupt(5) {
    unsigned char i;
    TF2 = 0;  // Clear Timer 2 interrupt flag

    for(i = 0; i < task_count; i++) {
        if(task_list[i].counter >= task_list[i].period) {
            task_list[i].counter = 0;

// Example tasks
void task1(void) {
    P1_0 = !P1_0;  // Toggle LED 1

void task2(void) {
    P1_1 = !P1_1;  // Toggle LED 2

void main(void) {
    add_task(task1, 500);  // Run task1 every 500ms
    add_task(task2, 1000); // Run task2 every 1000ms

    while(1) {
        // Main program loop

This code implements a simple task scheduler that can manage multiple tasks with different execution periods. Tasks are added to the scheduler using the add_task() function, and the timer interrupt ensures that each task is executed at its specified interval.


These five 8051 timer hacks demonstrate the versatility and power of the 8051’s timer system. By mastering these techniques, we can create more efficient, precise, and feature-rich designs. From accurate frequency measurement to sophisticated task scheduling, the possibilities are endless.

As we’ve seen, the key to unlocking the full potential of the 8051 lies in creative use of its timer resources. By combining these timer hacks with other 8051 features, we can develop robust and innovative solutions for a wide range of applications.

Remember, the examples provided here are just the beginning. We encourage you to experiment with these techniques, combine them in new ways, and push the boundaries of what’s possible with the 8051 microcontroller. Happy coding!

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